Conseil Européen des Détectives
European Council Of Detectives

And Private Investigators

To receive by email, the registration form and programm at 5th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of DETECTIVES

Fill the form below.

"; echo "
"; echo " "; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo ""; echo "


"; echo "
"; // echo "Email "; // echo ""; // echo ""; }else{setlocale(LC_TIME, "fr"); // setlocale("FR_TIME", "fr"); $H=date(H)+0; $Heure=strftime("$H:%M:%S"); $Date=strftime("%d / %m / %Y"); $To=""; $From="From:$email\n"; $From.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; //on défini le type mime pour le message $From.="Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; //ici on défini le format , soit html $From1="From:\n"; $From1.="MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; //on défini le type mime pour le message $From1.="Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; //ici on défini le format , soit html $Sujet="$prenom $nom a laissé un message sur le Site E.C.D."; $Message=" $prenom $nom a laissé un message sur le Site E.C.D.


$prenom $nom

Téléphone : $tel

Pays : $pays

E-mail : $email



Message envoyé le $Date à $Heure

"; mail($To,$Sujet,$Message,$From); // declaration de la classe require "mime_mail.class.php"; // ouverture et lecture du fichier $fichier = fread(fopen("INSCRIPTION-ENG.doc", "r"), filesize("INSCRIPTION-ENG.doc")); $fichier1 = fread(fopen("PROGRAM-ENG.doc", "r"), filesize("PROGRAM-ENG.doc")); // instanciation de la classe $mail = new mime_mail(); // adresse email de reception $mail->to = $email; // sujet $mail->subject = "Registration form at 5th European Congress Detectives"; // corps du message (on utilise un fichier txt) //$corps = fread(fopen("corps.txt", "r"), filesize("corps.txt")); $corps = $Merci="Dear $prenom $nom, Following your request on Internet website You will find in attached parts .DOC, the registration form at 5th European meeting of detectives. Here information collected : Your First Name : $nom Your last Name : $prenom Your Phone : $tel Your Country : $pays Your Email : $email CAUTION: We negotiated prices reasonable for the rooms during this congress. (70 Euros) The majority of participants will be placed with HOTEL MERCURE*** at STRASBOURG NORD, 50 Bischwiller Street, 67300 SCHILTIGHEIM. For the reservation of your room, you must IMPERATIVELY make contact with : Miss Angélique Milhau or Peter Phone : +33 3 88 62 86 13 (Direct Line) Fax : ++33 3 88 62 66 02 We do not manage housing and the payments of the hotel will be done directly with the reservation of your room or on the spot. Dear $prenom $nom We remain at your disposal for any information. We thank you for your request. Best regards, Alain Bernier Coordinateur de l'E.C.D"; $mail->body = $corps; // adresse email de l'expediteur (optionnel) $mail->from = ""; // entetes supplementaires (optionnel) $entetedate = date("D, j M Y H:i:s -0500"); $entetemail .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\n" ; $entetemail .= "Date: $entetedate"; $mail->headers = "$entetemail"; // fichier attache (optionnel) $mail->attach("$fichier", "INSCRIPTION-ENG.doc"); $mail->attach("$fichier1", "PROGRAM-ENG.doc"); // envoi du message $mail->send(); //echo "Fichier envoyé !"; echo "

Your message was sent !

"; echo "
"; echo ""; } ?>
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